Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This blog

This blog will be a record of my trip to Australia.
I will try to record everything that I do, so please post lots of comments!!

Where I am going:

I will be going to the Sydney, Hillsong Conference which will be held in the Olympic stadium from the first Tuesday of the holidays to the first Friday!! I think that this it will be a very WORTHWHILE experience!!

I will also be going to Brisbane and the Gold Coast to visit some of my cousins!!
I will be there for the rest of the holidays! Jonty, My 15 month old baby cousin will be coming up from Adelaide so it will be really exciting getting to see him for the first time!!!!

This is going to be a really fun trip and a very exciting trip for me so I can't wait to leave on Sunday!
I'll be coming back on the Sunday before term 3 starts!


I am traveling from Auckland, New Zealand to Sydney, and from Sydney to Brisbane, Gold Coast and then home from there!


Nicola Harvie said...

Have a great time Jess-I'm sure you will!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess.
This blog is cool!!
I hope the weather is nice and you have heaps of fun!
I'll see you in term 3!
mango mitzi 007 :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess

Have a great time in Australia. I wish I was going .


Anonymous said...

Hi Jess!
You're so lucky!!
Hope you have a GREAT time!!!!!
Jorraine ^_^

Nicola Harvie said...

I can't wait to read more of your blog~ keep posting!

Jess said...

Thankyou to everyone who has posted a comment!

I will be leaving for aussie early (6am) on sunday morning (tomorrow)! It still doesn't feel as if we are going tomorrow!

Just packed my suitcase.
I will hopefully put a post up in aussie on sunday (sometime).

Thankyou again to everyone who is looking and commenting on this blog!


Anonymous said...

hey jess
hope you have a great time whatever
you do

P.S. church was really boring without you!